Die NASA hat etwa eine Woche Zeit, um zu entscheiden, ob Boeings Starliner mit Besatzung oder leer zurückgebracht wird



  1. If the craft is too damaged for a human hand to pilot it during re-entry and they’re going to do it using computers, there’s no reason to risk human lives. Get them down another way.

  2. faceintheblue on

    I mean, what is the upside to putting the astronauts at risk?

    Get the ship down. If it doesn’t burn up, Boeing eats slightly less crow. Figure out the astronauts after that.

  3. Exotic_Fortune5702 on

    This is a ksp situation right there.

    RIP Valentina , she is waiting on eve since so long

  4. Designer_Buy_1650 on

    My money says, not empty. But full of GARBAGE to simulate weight of the astronauts.

  5. Chalky_Pockets on

    Honestly it shouldn’t be “NASA decides” it should be “NASA has submitted their recommendation to the astronauts, who have about a week to decide.”

  6. TotalLackOfConcern on

    Didn’t they just say that there is no way to remotely undock because Boeing removed that software after the test flight. Someone has to be at the controls.

  7. > The Starliner capsule “Calypso” has now been in space 64 days, …

    LOL. I didn’t realize how appropriately named that stupid thing is.

    Calypso is the nymph who, in Homer’s Odyssey, kept Odysseus with her on her island of Ogygia for *seven years*.

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