Physiker identifizieren die quantenmechanische Grundlage des Treibhauseffekts. Die starke Wärmespeicherung durch Kohlendioxid lässt sich durch eine grundlegende Beschreibung der wichtigsten Schwingungs-Rotations-Übergänge des Moleküls erklären.
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Direct link to the study: [R. Wordsworth, J. T. Seeley, and K. P. Shine, Fermi Resonance and the Quantum Mechanical Basis of Global Warming, The Planetary Science Journal, 5(3), 67 (March 2024).](
>**Abstract:** Although the scientific principles of anthropogenic climate change are well-established, existing calculations of the warming effect of carbon dioxide rely on spectral absorption databases, which obscures the physical foundations of the climate problem. Here, we show how CO2 radiative forcing can be expressed via a first-principles description of the molecule’s key vibrational-rotational transitions. Our analysis elucidates the dependence of carbon dioxide’s effectiveness as a greenhouse gas on the Fermi resonance between the symmetric stretch mode ν1 and bending mode ν2. It is remarkable that an apparently accidental quantum resonance in an otherwise ordinary three-atom molecule has had such a large impact on our planet’s climate over geologic time, and will also help determine its future warming due to human activity. In addition to providing a simple explanation of CO2 radiative forcing on Earth, our results may have implications for understanding radiation and climate on other planets.