Als ich das letzte Mal gelesen habe, sagten die Leute, es liege daran, dass die Finnen Asiaten und keine Europäer seien, aber ich habe gehört, dass diese Theorie kürzlich widerlegt wurde. Ich war neugierig, ob es dazu aktuellere Forschungsergebnisse gibt.

Von OtomePlays


  1. TiikeriHirmu on

    It’s a bit creepy to be this interested in genetics my dude… But no, Finnish people are very European. This map is bullshit. The whole thing with Finnish DNA being non-european is bullshit started by the Swedish race purists and it would be great if people didn’t share these anymore.

    Finns are as boring and regular Europeans as Brits and Germans. We originate from Estonia and displaced Sami people as we left to gain more land.

    You seem to be half Japanese…. Not a great look to start eugenics discussion brother. Your country is way too obsessed with that stuff.

  2. generalissimus_mongo on

    So you thought posting a map showing us what inbred motherfuckers we really are was a good idea? /s

  3. snow-eats-your-gf on

    It is expected due to some geographical isolation and the distinctive nature of Finnish origins.

    As you can see, the most “common” is someone in the middle of Europe.

    Also, grouping DNA results by country but not by ethnicity is strange. In Estonia, 70% of the population has Estonian ethnic roots (with mixtures of Swedes and Germans), and 30% has other post-Soviet mixes. Latvia can be divided, too; Latgalians are different.

  4. Masseyrati80 on

    I don’t know enough about the subject to comment on it itself, but on a meta level: reddit is absolutely full of statistic maps that are 1) completely made up with the intention of spreading disinformation, 2) completely made up as a joke, 3) carelessly made, 4) posted with the wrong title (again, either on purpose or by accident).

    It would be cool to know what the proportions between those four are.

  5. IntelligentTune on

    Could you give a source? Your current source is some redditor that I don’t think is that well-known, or if they even have the qualifications to make the map in the first place.

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