Harris nominiert Walz zum Vizepräsidenten



  1. AmputatorBot on

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    Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4789021-kamala-harris-vp-tim-walz-minnesota/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4789021-kamala-harris-vp-tim-walz-minnesota/)**


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  2. He is a damn fine governor and should make a very good addition to the ticket.

  3. MetalTrek1 on

    I like Walz. He’s not weird. 🙂

    Seriously, I actually preferred Kelly, but Walz is good too.

  4. Individual_Pear2661 on

    Now she might actually win MN, which was already blue and an assumed win! LOL

    But it’s good to see her priorities at work. Now she has someone “on the ground” in MN who will ensure that all the domestic terrorists she tried to set loose are back on the streets burning down cities.

    A nobody, with zero name recognition in a state that was already assumed a Democrat win even when Joe was the candidate? Uh – ok. LOL

  5. SockofBadKarma on

    ATTN: The Harris campaign will be fighting for Americans’ constitutional right to receive Walz pills by mail. Visit kamalaharris.com to sign up for the mailing list!

  6. As an American, this is extremely exciting.

    As a Minnesotan, this is devastating.

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