Bauunternehmen bieten Hypotheken zum halben Preis an, aber immer noch keine Interessenten


  1. Take Countrywide Homes, for example. It’s pitching three-year mortgage rates at just 2.34 per cent. That’s less than half the standard market rate.

    What are e supposed to do after the 3 years are up??

  2. Manitobancanuck on

    Who can buy $1M+ homes?

    Even in “cheaper” cities like Winnipeg with $350,000 house prices, that’s still barely within reach of most dual income earning households. I’m just not sure how it took until now to finally start seeing homes not flying off the market.

  3. UnionGuyCanada on

    Costs to build are enormous. Until we shut down the profiteering on building materials and get the cost to build back to reasonable levels, 0% interest rates aren’t going to help.most people. $400 a square foot or higher is idiotic.

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