Der BSW liegt nun zwei Punkte hinter der CDU und acht Punkte hinter der AfD, nachdem er bei den Thüringer Wahlen im Herbst 2024 zunächst nur 4 % erreicht hatte.

Von Border_Clear


  1. Frontdackel on

    The spiritul successors of Zentrum and NSDAP getting the most votes, what could possibly go wrong? /s

  2. Well, Linke + BSW was 31% in 2019 (Linke 31, BSW dne) and is now 33%, so I suppose in that way you can say voters are just switching from one to the other. AfD on the other hand has gained 5% from 2019’s 23.5%, and the ‘Ampel’ has lost 1%, 1%, and 3% respectively.

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