[OC] Ich habe die Spezifikationen aller Baseballfelder der Highschools in Massachusetts gemessen. Hier ist meine erste Folge der seltsamsten Felder, auf denen Sie bei einem offiziellen Baseballspiel einer Highschool in Massachusetts spielen können.

Von dvd5671


  1. Hello everyone,

    I am currently plotting, measuring, and visualizing every single high school baseball field in the United States. I currently have all of the data for Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Utah, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia (working on South Carolina and Pennsylvania next).

    [Here’s the link to a Google doc I made with the links to all previous states and infographics, along with my store where you can buy a shirt of this design.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HlGoy2qUAue79Qx7VQNWOzjouPO17Jt4NJVhP5PQT-s/edit?usp=sharing)

    **Sources:** MIAA, Google Maps imagery

    **Tools:** Google Maps, Google Earth, Illustrator, Photoshop, Google Sheets

  2. Markymarcouscous on

    I really hope you make one of these for Cohasset Ma. Milliken field is so weird

  3. I’ve always wanted to play baseball on a field shaped like Rhode Island.

  4. livelong2000 on

    Short porch in right field. Since I can never catch up to a fastball this is the park for me!

  5. uno_novaterra on

    I could not care less about baseball… but I love this series you’re doing!

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