Wissenschaftler aus Italien untersuchten die langfristigen Auswirkungen einer früheren Covid-19-Infektion auf die kortikale Gehirnaktivität bei Patienten, die mittel- und langfristig unter Symptomen von kognitivem Nebel litten.


1 Comment

  1. Exciting-Product2071 on

    The key findings of this research have revealed three important discoveries regarding cognitive fog symptoms due to Long-Covid: (a) a significant connection has been found between cognitive fog symptoms occurring after Long-Covid and neurophysiological alterations, particularly in the brain waves of P300 and beta frequency bands; (b) the identified neurophysiological alterations appear to persist in the long term, suggesting that the effects of Long-Covid on brain function may endure over time; (c) the presence or absence of anosmia does not seem to be significantly correlated with the observed neurophysiological alterations. This suggests that anosmia may not be a determining factor in the neurophysiological consequences of Long-Covid.

    This study provides a significant contribution as it adds crucial knowledge about the relationship between cognitive fog and neurophysiological alterations in the context of Long-Covid. Understanding this connection could open new perspectives in the diagnosis and management of health-related cognitive impairments. Moreover, recognizing the persistence of neurophysiological alterations in the long term emphasizes the importance of carefully assessing patients with Long-Covid to prevent and address potential cognitive deficits. The main strengths of this research can be identified in its longitudinal nature, which allowed for the observation of symptoms and neurophysiological alterations over time, providing an in-depth perspective on the persistence of cognitive fog due to Long-Covid. Additionally, the inclusion of a comparison group with and without anosmia further allowed exploration of the correlation between this condition and cognitive fog, contributing to the understanding of the complex manifestations of Long-Covid. These combined aspects make this study a significant contribution to the scientific literature regarding the long-term effects of Covid-19 on the brain and provide valuable foundations for the development of targeted clinical interventions to support patients affected by Long-Covid.

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