Arbeitgeber geben an, aufgrund von Budgetkürzungen für die Personalbeschaffung „unterqualifiziertes“ Personal einzustellen; Umfrage zufolge haben 71 % der Arbeitgeber aufgrund von Kostensenkungsmaßnahmen „unterqualifizierte“ Talente eingestellt


  1. somelspecial on

    So much for cost cutting by reducing employees productivity. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot.

  2. Ok_Text8503 on

    In that case train them! Back in the day, there was a thing called on the job training. You learn what you need to do on the job. Invest in your employees. Right now they expect 100% from the start while paying peanuts.

  3. Professional-Cry8310 on

    Short sighted cost cutting. It’s easy to see cutting labour costs as a positive when it’s one of the largest line items on your P&L, but long term is a mistake if you want to maintain consistent quality. Especially in B2B where companies can lose multi million dollar contracts all at once if quality drops. I’ve seen it happen many times.

  4. You can’t attract qualified talent because the salary you are offering doesn’t even cover the basics.

    At the end of the day, it ALL comes down to housing.

  5. CroikyThatsABigDingo on

    Under qualified and TFW rebate from government = dirt cheap

  6. Hot_Cheesecake_905 on

    The underqualified applicants are do to being underpaid.

    It’s not the recruitment budget when jobs have hundreds of applicants.

  7. Can’t imagine why Canada’s productivity is down. No sir, can’t imagine at all.

  8. IvoryHKStud on

    Yes, when you hire international students for minimum wage who cannot speak English or perform basic arithmetic, that happens.

  9. IntelligentPoet7654 on

    Need to hire more overqualified students from India since Canadians are not qualified to work

  10. Chairman_Mittens on

    So many companies are falling into this shortsighted trap.

    Fire your highly qualified superstar who’s been at the company for 20 years, pay their salary to three underqualified employees fresh out of school who don’t know what they’re doing. Invest endless months of training and require more and more manager oversight and micro management.

    Eventually you’ll need to hire a full time manager to direct this team and review their work because they still make mistakes. Now four people are doing one person’s job. They’re still less productive and making mistakes, which cause problems with other teams that are in the same situation.

    It’s insane what’s happening, but I see and hear about it all the time.

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