Tiebe (18) starb nach Unfall in Wervik: „Er war auf dem Weg zu einem Ferienjob“ https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20240730_92844334
Is there no safety system in a Tesla that should have prevented this?
byu/stafkevh inbelgium
Von stafkevh
Tiebe (18) starb nach Unfall in Wervik: „Er war auf dem Weg zu einem Ferienjob“ https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20240730_92844334
Is there no safety system in a Tesla that should have prevented this?
byu/stafkevh inbelgium
Von stafkevh
Typically a modern car has a sensor to do an emergency stop if it sees a pedestrian or cyclist. However, I don’t know the circumstances required to trigger it. Maybe it was an angle outside of the sensor range, or there just simply wasn’t enough time to slow down if it did go off.
Ik denk dat zowat elk ander auto merk zo’n safety heeft. Tesla is gewoon erg shit.
Voorrang verlenen als fietser. Dat helpt!
Not only Tesla but a lot of cars have emergency stop systems these days. But none of them can guarantee you’ll come to a full stop before hitting someone or something. I think most of these systems have disclaimers they’re only designed to minimize impact only, but hitting someone going like 30 can still be deadly unfortunately.
De auto mocht 90km/h doen op die weg volgens de foto’s. Laten we er van uitgaan dat hij zich aan de max snelheid hield dan denk ik dat er geen enkel systeem van gelijk welk merk die noodstop kon uitvoeren.
Tesla slaat bij een ongeval wel standaard automatisch beelden op van alle camera’s, voor de voorgaande paar minuten. Dat zal het onderzoek tenminste eenvoudiger maken.
Cyclist traverses 90kph road and doesn’t see car. Car has priority, but even if he saw it at 90 kph he still needs 40-50m to stop. Cars can be filled to the brim with tech, but they cannot predict when someone randomly decides to cross the road. These things are programmed in the car and in this case, there would simply be no way to avoid the accident.
People should learn to drive themselves and not lean onto the car’s safety functions. I hate all these automatic safety things, people don’t look out anymore.