Anwalt aus Toronto muss über eine Million Dollar Strafe zahlen, nachdem Mandanten behaupteten, er habe Geld aus Immobilien- und Geschäftsabschlüssen zurückgehalten


  1. BadUncleBernie on

    Why are there not cops at his door?

    He robbed people.

    Fuck lawyers and fuck this country for protecting the rich.

  2. 1GutsnGlory1 on

    Welcome to Canada. This lawyer essentially used the last few transactions in his Trust account as his retirement fund knowing full well nothing will happen to him as long as he hides his assets well.

    As much it sucks pay much more to use the big firms, you know unlike the sole practitioners, they won’t just close shop and disappear with your money.

  3. It does seem there aren’t enforced penalties for fraud like this. I believe the two people who got murdered had been defrauding people for like a decade to the tune of millions

  4. LawNOrder2023 on

    People just don’t fear for their safety when they fuck over honest people and it sucks

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