Russischer Koch in Frankreich wegen Spionageplans für die Olympischen Spiele verhaftet, nachdem es in Bulgarien im betrunkenen Zustand zu Enthüllungen kam


  1. FantasyFrikadel on

    Just to be clear, if true, that’s the nation of Russia planning and executing acts of terrorism… not some group of derailed individuals. They want to destroy the west.

  2. garnered_wisdom on

    Classic geopolitical intelligence agency shenanigans. Soviets attack Afghanistan so the US funds the mujahideen, later US attacks Afghanistan so Russia funds the Taliban.

    ISIS-K attack inconsequential location in Russia, so I bet they’ll bring some British isle residents with a predisposition for mental stagnancy and and convince them they’ll get 72 virgins for attacking an inconsequential event in France.

    Been happening since the invention of group interest.

  3. Under_Over_Thinker on

    Trying to directly mar the Olympic Games with some terrorist tactics is some despicable and maniacal behaviour.

    This is planned and executed on the state level, by the state agencies.

    Why Russian athletes are still allowed to participate in the Olympics?

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