Die Polizei sucht nach vier Verdächtigen bei einem gewalttätigen Vorfall im Straßenverkehr in Brampton
Police search for 4 suspects in violent road rage incident in Brampton
Die Polizei sucht nach vier Verdächtigen bei einem gewalttätigen Vorfall im Straßenverkehr in Brampton
Police search for 4 suspects in violent road rage incident in Brampton
if they have the license plate… hello…. arrest them
If they did that in my town (rural US south) these thug-wannabes would be staring down the barrel of a gun, and nobody would bat an eye if Mr windshield ate a bullet from one.
If they’re not Canadian citizens or permanent residents their asses should get deported and never let back in.
Send a strong message that this level of bullshit isn’t acceptable
Hopefully they’re caught so they can be released as quickly as possible.
Shame on Peel and Toronto police forces.they can’t act like US cops to apprehend or search the area quickly.
Plus, they could hide in their community easily because these suspect communities won’t help cops to locate them.
Why? Its not like anything would happen to them. Probably get let go with a settlement and an apology from the person they assaulted.
Import the third world, become the third world, or however Canada’s slogan goes.
If they are not born here deport their ass
But we have magic soil and these people are supposed to have magically become just as Canadian as you or I….I thought?