Irlands Rechenzentren verbrauchen mehr Strom als alle städtischen Haushalte zusammen.

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  1. **Statistics raise concerns that rise in demand for data processing driven by AI could derail climate targets**

    The country’s growing fleet of datacentres used 21% of its electricity, an increase of a fifth on 2022, according to the Central Statistics Office.

    It was the first year that datacentres supporting the Irish tech hub surpassed the electricity used by homes in its towns and cities, which consumed 18% of the grid’s total power last year.

    Experts have raised concerns that the sudden surge in power demand driven by datacentres could derail climate targets in Ireland and across Europe.

    Google, which has based its European headquarters in Ireland, said earlier this month that its datacentres risked delaying its green ambitions after driving a 48% increase in its overall emissions last year compared with 2019.

    The rise in demand for data processing, driven by recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, could lead Ireland’s datacentres to consume about 31% of Ireland’s electricity within the next three years, according to the country’s National Energy and Climate Plan.

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