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SS: ‘As of April the 1st it will become possible to prosecute people in Scotland **for things said in the privacy of their own home.**’
How will they know what is being said in private homes?
Your Smart TV, Smart Phone, Smart Watch, Smart Fridge and all the other IoT devices. We have literally brought *their* weapons into our own homes and now they’re about to turn them against us.
Will people give up their conveniences for their principles? Not a chance. And that’s what they’re betting on.
Imagine your 90 year old grandfather calling a person by the colour of their skin in private and then suddenly, the thought crime division abseils through his bedroom window. I’m wondering how this was even allowed past the European Convention on Human Rights, especially in relation to the right to a private life, free from state interference!?
P.s if you’re wondering if this is an April fools, it is not, they’re pushing it through on this day so people ignore it.
And no msm thinks it is relevant news. Have to come here to get this news. What a sad world.
Us? More like with Europeans, one thing I am thankful for is the amendments. If they tried this shit here there would be outrage
I am against this Communist legislation, Puppet Humza is virtue signalling to the Communists in control of the asset managers. Hoping to bag himself the lucrative, life changing money of corporate speech circuits after office.
But they won’t be able to use smart devices to prosecute people, without this being included in the law.
And if they tried to, the smart device market would be decimated in days.
The day they do that, I will sell or throwaway ever piece of technology that this could be used for, that I own.
My friend who is a defense attorney strongly advises against owning an Alexa or similar and 💯 they want smart everything. They can also take them all offline and shut em down whenever they want
So it was a good decision to sell my “smart” home devices a couple years ago. The smoke was always there,
The NSA has been hoovering up communications since forever. If you have a phone, text and email, you don’t have much expectation of privacy. Sure, IoT is more of the same.
My dumb watch is now my smart watch!
We will all be sitting in the back yard with the radio blaring and whispering like north korea
The same thing is happening in Canada Trudeau is trying to pass an online harm bill that will make it possible to serve life in prison or pay an unrealistic fine for things we say online or in the public space and it is so intentionally vague that it could be used for anyone who has a disagreement with the present narrative being broadcasted to the masses.
Quite the aprill fools joke
Scotland beat china to this, i guess.
Suddenly living in Mexico isn’t a bad idea, eh?
April Fools…
Uhm. You’re about 10 years too late.
It always surprises me when someone rocks up with this stuff like it is newfound and exposéish.
Asia’s been farming this stuff and selling it right back to us…
This is like that time the clones turned on the Jedi
Wells Scotts might be time for a revolution lol