Was Kamala Harris zu KI, Technologieregulierung und mehr gesagt hat
What Kamala Harris has said about AI, tech regulation, and more
Was Kamala Harris zu KI, Technologieregulierung und mehr gesagt hat
What Kamala Harris has said about AI, tech regulation, and more
And? Trumps pretty much winning the Presidential race.Â
Harris has emphasized the importance of addressing ethical concerns surrounding AI, particularly regarding privacy and data security. She has advocated for regulations that protect individuals’ privacy rights as technology advances.
Why is every sub suddenly getting flooded with Kamala Harris stuff? Are we just presuming she’s the candidate now or is this some covert push to get her more visibility and see how it plays?
Reddit is forcing Harris for sure
What can be unburdened by what has been
So it begins
I’m so 🥥 pilled
Bill Gurely’s view on Big Tech and Regulation/Regulatory Capture with the federal government: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9cO3-MLHOM. I don’t know where Kamala Harris stands on this issue, but I think it’s important to have this context to understand how Big Tech and Federal Government employees can work in conjunction, at the expense of others.
The question to ask isn’t “what does the president want”, but what will congress do, and how will it enforce it?