Vancouvers geschützte „Aussichtskegel“ haben begonnen zu schmelzen


  1. They should all be removed to be honest. View cones exist as a ‘got mine screw you’ perk for those who bought into the Vancouver market decades ago.

  2. MagpieBureau13 on

    Now I don’t know much about Vancouver specifically, but most of the time these view corridors limiting building height in the interior of the city are not a real problem for densification. And that’s because to really properly densify, we usually don’t need to start building a couple 20 story towers where we already have 12 story towers. We need to start building lots of 4 story buildings where we currently have single-family houses.

    A hyperfocus on building really tall towers in already relatively dense areas just distracts us from the bigger issue: Needing to replace houses and lawns.

    So I’d be hesitant to say we should get rid of view corridors in Vancouver just so developers can build vanity towers and unaffordable luxury condos.

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