Meilenstein von 5.500 entdeckten Exoplaneten erreicht

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  1. GeniusBandit on

    *”The six new exoplanets—HD 36384 b, TOI-198 b, TOI-2095 b, TOI-2095 c, TOI-4860 b, and MWC 758 c—have pushed the total number of confirmed exoplanets discovered to 5,502.*

    *HD 36384 b is a super-Jupiter that orbits an enormous M giant star:*

    *-This planet was discovered using the radial velocity method, which measures the “wobble” of far-off stars that is caused by the gravitational tug of orbiting planets.*

    *-Orbits a star so large that it clocks in at nearly 40 times the size of our sun.*

    *TOI-198 b is a potentially rocky planet that orbits on the innermost edge of the habitable zone around its star, an M dwarf:*

    *-This planet was discovered using the transit method, which detects exoplanets as they cross the face of their stars in their orbit, causing the star to temporarily dim.*

    *TOI-2095 b and TOI-2095 c are both large, hot super-Earths that orbit in the same system around a shared star, an M dwarf:*

    *-Planets were both discovered using the transit method.*

    *-Are close enough to their star that they are likely more similar to Venus than Earth.*

    *TOI-4860 b is a Jupiter-sized gas giant, or a “hot Jupiter,” that orbits an M dwarf star:**

    *-This planet was discovered using the transit method.*

    *-Completes an orbit every 1.52 days, meaning it is very close to its star. While it is extremely rare for giant planets like this to orbit so closely to sun-like stars, it is even rarer for them to orbit M-dwarf stars as is the case here.*

    *MWC 758 c is a giant protoplanet that orbits a very young star. This star still has its protoplanetary disk, which is a rotating disk of gas and dust that can surround a young star:*

    *-This planet was discovered using direct imaging.*

    *-Was found carving spiral arms into its star’s protoplanetary disk.*

    *-Is one of the first exoplanets discovered in a system where the star has a protoplanetary disk.”*

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