Die ersten Sekunden nach dem israelischen Angriff auf die Öltanker im Hafen von Hodeidah [7/20/24]

Von thechitosgurila


  1. Leonides009 on

    Great target. Want to bring the 3 H’s to heel then bomb the entirety of Iranian oil and gas infrastructure.

  2. Lucky_Plane_5587 on

    Let’s examine how quickly we can obliterate the entire economy of a failed state with just few precise air strikes. Go!

  3. Gratefulzah on

    Lighting of the Menorah hits different when it’s the Israeli Air Force

  4. Ricardo_klement on

    Yemen just got to the .. & find out stage of their shenanigans 🤷‍♂️

  5. Plastic_Elephant_504 on

    Jesus, how is Israel’s response stronger than the seven-month US coalition? Uncle Sam has much to learn..

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