Hallo liebe Reddit-Nutzer, mein Name ist Maarten, ich bin Klimareporter bei der niederländischen Tageszeitung Trouw (www.trouw.nl). Für ein neues Projekt interviewe ich Menschen, die im Sommer 2024 große Hitze erlebt haben. Ich bin wirklich neugierig auf Geschichten aus Bulgarien! Bitte erzähl mir in den Kommentaren von der Hitze in deinem Land oder schreib mir eine persönliche Nachricht, wenn du für ein kurzes Telefon-/Videointerview offen bist.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
I'm a Dutch newspaper journalist writing about how people cope with heatwaves of 2024 around the globe. Curious about your stories!
byu/geeest inbulgaria
Von geeest
Grandma teeth
I started using the sauna on a daily basis for the past 2 years. As long as I have water (warm or cold) and some sunscreen I feel no different. As long as I can remember (born in 98) it has been ~42 degrees Celsius in the summer.
That doesn’t mean I don’t use my AC 24/7 for 2 months straight.
Water .
That’s bout it I go through couple liters of water when I’m outside .
No AC and home.so I just suffer xd
I would say it’s similar to the way it is in other countries. Although it has been quite bad this week with every day a new report about some place catching fire.
However, some of those fires might not be as naturally occurring.
Aside from that blessed are the ones who have air conditioning and for those of us that don’t fans do help. City hall is calling for being more conservative with water usage. Not to waste it on lawns.
It certainly has been getting hotter with every consecutive year. To the point I’m wondering if I can actually grow citrus trees as opposed to the more normal fruit trees in my yard. I think I’ll cope better with the grim specter of climate change if that means I can grow my own avocadoes, lol. Also I have a personal sauna now – my car after 8 hours on the parking lot while I’m at work.
I don’t think that the heat is that much different. We have seen temperatures like that before. It’s just earlier and for longer periods of time.
The AC at home is on 24/7. Our office is also air conditioned and they keep the temperature at around 22-24 deg. Good thing is that I have home office, so I stay at home as much as possible between 11-16.
When we moved here from the UK we noted that the locals closed their curtains and blinds during the summer, we vowed never to do that, but here I am typing this with every blind closed in the house!
You can hide away from the heat during the day, but there is one big consequence of the heat now and that is the restrictions on water.
Where we are in SE Bulgaria, there are serious problems with water, we now have days when we have no water at all in the house and other days when it is just a trickle.
We are having to fill bottles from the village well.
This last week or so we are having to start worrying about another thing, fire, everything is so dry, fires are springing up and some are serious.
With the ever increasing heat I don’t think things are going to get much better.
Feel free to message me if you have any questions
Grandmother’s teeth
What’s there to cope with?
It’s hot, put on shorts and a light shirt.
Summers are like that