Ist Präsident Stubb für finnische Verhältnisse sehr gutaussehend?

Von sydneylulu


  1. mrwholefoods on

    No. His teeth look like a row of urinals. Whenever he opens his mouth I wanna piss in it.

  2. Unsinkable_I on

    How do you define handsome – thats a bit difficult because it varies depending on each persons view. But as a answer to your question: he has The most beautiful mind anyone can expect from nations leader. If we would line up best statesmen in the world, there would b Alex in the front row and Vladimir with his friends on last positions. We’re very lucky to have him in these times.

  3. MysteriousHousing489 on

    He’s fit and healthy, that already makes him more attractive than 90% of the population.

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