Hallo! Ich reise zum ersten Mal nach Deutschland und reise mit der DB in ein anderes Land. Ich hoffe, dass mir hier jemand bei meiner Frage helfen kann.
Muss ich ein neues Ticket kaufen, wenn ich meins am angegebenen Tag nicht nutzen kann? Ich sollte am 19. mit dem Zug von München nach Paris reisen, aber es kam zu Flugausfällen und nun muss ich den Tag meiner Reise ändern.
Laut Google Translate ist mein Ticket bis zum 21. gültig. Kann ich mein Ticket noch bis zum 21. nutzen oder muss ich ein neues kaufen? Was bedeutet das Gültigkeitsdatum bei der DB? Zur Verdeutlichung lade ich meine Ticketdetails hoch.
Ich wäre für jede Hilfe sehr dankbar!
Von oooabby
Note that it is only valid till 21st 3:00. The validity period is 2 days and 3 hours. For you that doesn’t matter though. A normal ticket is valid for this whole period. However you bought a discount (Super Sparpreis) ticket which reduces the validity of the ticket to the train mentioned at the Zugbindung section. If you want to take a later train you have to buy a new ticket.
As a German I have to admit I don’t understand the validity range because you got a “Super Sparpreis ticket” with “Zugbindung” which means you got a discount for buying a ticket in advance but you have to take the exact train (date and time) for which you booked the ticket. Also “Super Sparpreis” is not refundable. Basically you pay extra to make it refundable.
So, I’m really confused about the validity range at the top of your ticket.
I guess Zugbindung only applies to the TGV (you have to take that TGV at the specified date and time, and not any other TGV) but for all other connecting trains (if there are any) the ticket is valid for three days … which seems of little value in this case.
You bought a so called „Super Sparpreis“ ticket which is much cheaper than a regular ticket but it is only valid for the train indicated on the ticket: TGV 9576, 6:49am, July 19th
So yes, unfortunately you need to buy a new ticket. The old one is also not refundable which again is also part of the reduced price for this type of ticket.
You might get lucky if this particular train is significantly delayed or cancelled: In that case the ticket reverts to a regular ticket which can be used for any trains on that connection but that is unlikely.