Im April wird RA erstmals am Treffen der Parlamentspräsidenten der EU-Länder teilnehmen Im April wird Armenien erstmals am Treffen der Parlamentspräsidenten der EU-Länder teilnehmen

Von pride_of_artaxias

1 Comment

  1. pride_of_artaxias on

    According to Alen Simonyan, it will take place in mid-April in Spain (April 21th). Also:

    >Նա ասաց, որ ՀՀ-ն առաջին անգամ է հրավիրված, ու հետխորհրդային որևէ այլ երկիր հրավիրված չէ, այդ թվում՝ անդամության հավակնողները։

    >He said that Armenia was invited for the first time, and no other post-Soviet country was invited, including those aspiring for membership.

    Some more details on the conference:

    >The Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments (EUSC)

    >The EUSC is a forum for the exchange of opinions, information and experiences among the presiding officers of the national parliaments in the EU and the European Parliament. The EUSC, with full respect for the different powers of its members, promotes the role of parliaments, supports their cooperation and oversees the coordination of interparliamentary EU activities.

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