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It’s a flawed premise to think cost of healthcare reflects outcome of healthcare in any way, the only thing it suggests is the insane greed of health care providers.
Submission statement: The life expectancy of Americans is 47th in the world. As you can see from the list, people in other countries that have much lower per capita income have near the same life expectancy. So what do we really pay for in healthcare?
I went to the ER one time and the doctor used a knife to cut open my finger in order to release gas and fluid that’s underneath the skin. That 2 minute operation cost $3k. Wtf.
It costs a lot to offset the processed shit that we consume in this country.
Because we pay for the rest of the globes defense. Can’t have both, functioning healthcare system and endless wars.
The USA has become a colony to exploit just like all the others. Globalists don’t live anywhere specific, and thus don’t care if they run countries into the ground. They can always move.
Not an american but your country is honestly almost becoming third world, your govt is not looking after its peoplem particularly health, food and education. Its really uncomfortable to watch. I dont have an answer other than too many old white stale people in charge,
it is not about how long you live, it is how many drugs you buy in the time you are alive.
Chronic illness, we are swimming in chems..
We’ve allowed a third party market of insurance to price gouge the system into oblivion.
We have multiple healthcare systems: Medicare, for those 65 and older. Medicaid, for the poor, and then the private health insurance market. You could probably count the VA as well.
We’re one of the fattest countries in the world,the richest country in the world (or are we 2nd again?). So, we spend a lot of money on treating our obesity-related diseases.
Comparing the US as a whole is also a useless statistic. Life expectancy varies wildly by state, between 74 and 81. Is Hawaii doing something magical with their healthcare system that Delaware isn’t?
I’m in Europe right now and every time I come back it’s like culture shock seeing so many fat people. But this isn’t because Europe is just smarter than the US or something or they love to exercise. They’re just poor, and a much larger portion of their workforce is in physical labor. Most EU countries also don’t have massive wel-fare states that allow a huge portion of their populous to remain jobless while they collect benefits and pig out on food stamps (don’t forget the #1 purchase for SNAP benefits is soda, and junk foods are close behind).
It’s not the healthcare system it’s the lifestyle. It’s not the healthcare system it’s the education system. It’s not the healthcare system it’s the elites vs the peasants ( lower / middle class). Elites are poisoning us.
No health service can stop you all being fat as fuck 😂😂😂
Because they have allowed corporations to control everything and siphon the taxpayer money out of the country.
I want link please
Because it’s a business that’s death oriented rather than life oriented
I have heard that if you factor out traffic fatalities, the United States has the highest life expectancy by far.
I do not know where I heard this, nor do I know where to find this information, but I believe it considering how many fuckin people die on the road every year here due to car culture.
*’Cause profit, not quality. Also you are fat bastards so medically harder to stop killing yourselves…*
Because of Socialist Wealth transfer.
We don’t live longer the. Other countries because of how expensive our healthcare is. At least that would be my thought process
bc the healthcare system here sucks. they just usually just solve symptoms instead of root cause
Because our system is entirely focused on profits rather than actually helping people. Doctor’s get a few minutes with patients on average and they usually just try to write you a script for something. We also have the highest rates of chronic disease in the world but again most doctors just give you a pill to address the symptoms rather than address the root cause. You can throw agency capture on top of all that as well where groups like the FDA, CDC, and NIH are funded by the same companies they are supposed to be regulating. We are rotten to the core
bc you also eat too much fastfood
There’s a cost to eat the way America eats
actually I think life expectancy went dwn to 74? sooo…its even worse
You don’t live longer but the people that matter do. Dick Cheney and Magic Johnson are still alive for fuck sake. Our medical science is sci-fi level for 0.3% of us.