In Rumänien nennen wir ihn Piață Angro oder einfach Piață, was so viel wie „Großhandelsmarkt“ bedeutet. Im Grunde ist es ein Bauernmarkt. Hier in Sachsen, wo ich lebe, gibt es auch einen Obst- und Gemüsemarkt, aber der ist nicht mit dem Markt in Rumänien zu vergleichen, also habe ich mich gefragt, ob er hier vielleicht anders heißt und ich weiß es nicht.

Von Remarkable-Split-964


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  2. “Großhandelsmarkt” is the place where supermarkets get their wares in bulk. We do have farmers markets for private shoppers, but they are usually smaller, not in a hall but some public place and only on fixed days of the week.

  3. For the public these are called Markthalle and most are open everyday in opposite to farmer markets on the town square.

    There are also markets specifically business to business like restaurants or individual grocery shops.

  4. -kaktus-jack- on

    In my town its called “Wochenmarkt”. Occurs every wednesday and saturday. They put up stalls around 5 in the morning at one of the central town squares. We also have a hall for this, but as far as I can tell, they rarely use it.

  5. i live in Turkey, we have these markets BUT there is one issue: i did not get all the way behind it, but it strongly seems like that 9 out of 10 sellers also buy bulk goods from bigger distributors, resulting in the same stuff that you could buy in the supermarket. there is a dedicated farmers market once per week, that looks more similar to the german local Wochenmarkt, but the other two markets per week seem like an outdoor supermarket sale.

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