Kirchen zahlen keine Steuern. Sollten sie?


  1. PmMeYourBeavertails on

    All religious institutions are tax exempt, not just churches. If you want churches to pay taxes you’d also have to make temples, mosques, gurdwaras, synagogues etc pay taxes. Religious Canadians outnumber non-religious ones 2 to 1. No government is gonna piss off the vast majority of their voters.

  2. GopnikSmegmaBBQSauce on

    Religion is organized bullying based on something you can never ever prove. Honestly the most brilliant thing we’ve ever thought of

  3. LignumofVitae on

    Yes, they should. 

    The original social contract with the church (and other religious institutions) is no longer valid; they have become a drain on resources with little to no benefit to society at large. 

  4. Antique_Interview_31 on

    no, in theory a church is a non-profit organization. In Canada, non-profit organizations do not pay taxes, so neither do the churches.

  5. Yep. All religious institutions should be subject to the same rules as other non-profits. They don’t need to pay taxes if they don’t generate profit, but they should keep books and file returns.

  6. HarbourJayKay on

    The churches wouldn’t even have to pay taxes. Just remove charitable and political donations from the tax deduction list and you’d see the tap turn off all on its own.

  7. Volantis009 on

    Most criminal organizations try to at least pay some taxes. Don’t know why a pedophile ring gets to keep all their money seems strange to me. Churches pay for pedophile insurance I’m sure they can pay their fair share as well

  8. pushing59_65 on

    If they did, the number of buildings that are currently underused would be greatly reduced as the individual community churches could not support the cost. Traditionally churches acted as community centers and in some places, they still do. I would not be opposed to tax breaks for properties which are active in the community. How would one measure that?

  9. Brave-Campaign-6427 on

    I’m curious: What’s preventing someone from setting up a non-profit and paying my buddies 6-figures for regular commercial activities that would otherwise pay very little? Like a non-profit restaurant?

  10. uselesspoliticalhack on

    Churches actually spend a good amount of money providing equivalent social services. They’re probably more efficient than the government at it too.

    However, churches have lost their way and become unwitting tools to cover failures of government policy. The most glaring example is immigration. If a migrant isn’t in a shelter or luxury hotel, they’re being provided for in a church with food, clothing and shelter.

    Immigration services is the single biggest charitable expense now for almost every church.

    Churches rarely help out on their own communities anymore as the migration crisis has consumed all of their charitable efforts

  11. HalvdanTheHero on

    They either need to pay taxes or be subject to all the other regulations around non-profits.

    Religions (ALL RELIGIONS) do not impact modern Canadian society in the ways that the original deal set out — they are not actually fulfilling their side of the agreement so the agreement is null and void in my opinion.

    In addition, the potential for a religious leader to sway their flock is… problematic. 

  12. morenewsat11 on

    How about starting with property taxes. Every provincial and territorial government in Canada specifically exempt churches from paying property taxes. Mind boggling given how much real estate is owned by churches.

  13. Loose-Hyena-7351 on

    100% they don’t deserve to be tax exempt as not everyone benefits from it…what happened to them helping the poor and their vow of poverty … they aren’t a non profit they are a business…. ‼️

  14. Churches are essentially organized criminals. The exploitation the naive and dumb people for money and sex.

    Churches need to be forced to provide scientific evidence of the existence of the gods they worship. If they can’t, then they either have to be forced to disclaim that the information they provide is false, or be prosecuted.

  15. ZhopaRazzi on

    Even though religion has zero value in explaining the natural world, it is culturally and historically significant. The impact religious institutions have on community building and programming has value, and there may be reasons to incentivize it. However, the type of religious institution should not determine whether it gets such incentives – either give tax breaks to all or none.

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