Trudeau, Poilievre und Singh starten Spendenkampagnen in Alberta und Montreal

1 Comment

  1. CDN-Social-Democrat on

    I say this as a Canadian first and foremost.

    I’d love for the leaders of the federal parties in Canada to focus a bit more on the 2025 platforms and policies..

    We have a lot of challenges going on. We need some really inspiring policy to address all of this.

    I find it very sad that with all the wealth, influence, power, and other forms of resources that these mammoth organizations have that it is usually the labour movement and community based non profit organizations that are coming up with the policy and platforms that really help.

    The labour movement is why we have the rights enjoyed by all workers today – minimum wages, overtime pay, workplace safety standards, maternity and parental leave, vacation pay, and protection from discrimination and harassment.

    It would be nice if we had this same kind of dedication and focus related to cost of living and quality of life for Canada from the powers in Ottawa.

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