[OC] Nancy Pelosis aktuelles Aktienportfolio (4. Juli 2024)

Von VaultUno


  1. Created the plot and key with VaultUno and the data comes directly from congressional trade filings. I added the Nancy Pelosi image directly from the open source .gov congressional headshot library. Final visual touch ups were done with figma.

  2. scope_creep on

    What a coincidence that she’s heavily invested in all the top performing stocks!

  3. tchereperry on

    Been tracking her portfolio for a while and it’s crazy how she always beats the market.

    If you’re in Congress you shouldn’t be able to trade. All of them are insiders…

  4. Have you seen mine? Mine’s pretty good too. Is this taking in to account her husband’s job. Can I guess at the reason you created a throwaway account just for this? You know it was the Democrats who introduced a bill last year to limit trading by members of Congress. When did we ever see anything like that from the other side of the aisle?

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