Die CRA behauptet, diese Firma sei an einem Steuerbetrug in Höhe von 63 Millionen Dollar beteiligt gewesen. Warum versucht sie nicht, das Geld zurückzubekommen?



  1. They’re literally chasing people on welfare for 1 month of CERB overpayment that was given out by the government to poor people during a pandemic but sure let 63 million go.

  2. “drain the swamp”? lol I think a lot of tax payers would want a piece of CRA lmao

  3. Low-HangingFruit on

    They hired a lobbyist and then the federal government agency backed down. Guess the guy was smart to know that the people currently in charge are easily bought off.

  4. Because crime does pay. You see this all the time with businesses and rich individuals. They defraud the CRA for huge amounts and settle for a much lower payout. So in the end, they still have saved a lot of money.

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