Kanadische Frau wird erstmals wegen einer „Pretendian“-Verurteilung zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt



  1. SnooStrawberries620 on

    Sensationalized – really she got three years for stealing over $150k. That happened to be her method of … defraudery? … but she could have chosen other as well. Good that this is the bar set though 

  2. Youwronggang on

    She got more time than your average car hijacker 😭😭😭😭this country never ceases to amaze me .

  3. MrWisemiller on

    Meanwhile my Vietnamese girlfriend put indigenous on her application for employment in the interior health authority in BC where she has earned over 400k over the last few years.

  4. AmusedGravityCat on

    I’m not going to read this but what the flubber duck is a pretendian

  5. Nonamanadus on

    Buffy St. Marie just got shamed for making money off a fake identity.

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