Lebensmittel im Wert von 50 Euro in Andalusien


Von Arganthonios_Silver


  1. Arganthonios_Silver on

    5 litres virgin extra olive oil, small town cooperative production, “average” prize among the good quality ones. Main brands have very similar prizes with lower quality. Best types are much more expensive.

    I suppose this is even “cheap” for other european prizes, but Andalusia is the world main olive oil production centre, so not really cheap. This same bottle was just 23-26 euros until 2020 or so, which should be the “average” prize in normal conditions. This year campaign and production will be much better but I doubt we will return to those prices levels anymore.

    Ps. Yeah that’s a chaotic patchwork of azulejos. Just a rustic “creative arrange” of some leftovers in a private space…

  2. lupo_cattivo on

    same in Italy, Sardinia, 10€/lt from local mills
    was 8€/lt just last year

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