„Palästina steht nicht zum Verkauf“: Israelische Veranstaltung nahe Toronto stößt auf Kritik



  1. sandotasty on

    Fortunately, what these “critics” think is irrelevant and of zero consequence.

    In the end, possession is nine-tenths of the law.

  2. > The international community, including Canada, overwhelmingly considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be illegal. The settlements are built on land that Palestinians seek as part of a future state, and the Canadian government says they “constitute a serious obstacle to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.”

    If those negotiations were to occur in good faith, there would be land swaps. These settlements won’t obstruct anything in the long term if the Palestinians don’t want them to (they don’t care).

    > “When I heard about the events, I just broke down and started crying because what’s happening is just unbelievable and horrific. They’re here to steal Palestinian land right under our nose,” Sasa

    > “Even if I tried to walk in and tried to buy land back, I actually can’t,” she said, adding that she and other Palestinian and Muslim Canadians would try to disrupt Thursday’s event.

    Fixed that.

    > Palestine is not for sale,”

    How can something that doesn’t exist be for sale?

  3. tchomptchomp on

    My understanding is these events are almost exclusively answering questions that Jews might have about immigration to Israel and where real estate is discussed it is largely if not entirely real estate within the Green Line (pre-1967 borders territory internationally recognized as Israeli). The claim that this is about West Bank property is broadly false and is a fig leaf meant to publicly justify mass demonstrations outside minority houses of worship and community.

  4. KosherPigBalls on

    What would motivate someone to post an article about an event from March 7th?

    It turned out there weren’t even any West Bank properties for sale at the event, it was just an excuse for “activists” to stand outside a synagogue yelling “intifada”.

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