Russland verliert letztes Raketenschiff im Schwarzen Meer – Putin fordert besseren Schutz


  1. Special-Reporter-317 on

    Did he look behind the sofa? I sometimes lose my socks there.

  2. 2FalseSteps on

    I’m sure they’d be better protected if they pulled out of Ukraine and went back to Mordor. It’s that simple.

  3. Which fascist navy is the worst and most ineffectual? Kriegsmarine or the Russians?

  4. If they sink the remaining ships, Ukraine won’t be able to sink any more ships.

  5. They are not lost, they are conducting special operation under the water.

  6. DelishMeatBall on

    How do you lose a navy battle against the country with no navy? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. MeasurementGold1590 on

    I know a lot of people like to joke about these ships being lost to a nation without a navy, but i think the 60 ships Russia has lost, many of them to marine drones, has conclusively shown we need to change the definition of what a navy is.

    Clearly an all-drone navy is a credible threat.

  8. Puzzleheaded_Loss770 on

    What do you mean they lost the black Sea missle ship? It’s not like it’s a set of fucking car keys now is it Lenny?

  9. CalRipkenForCommish on

    The mines Ukraine is planting under the seabed are gonna keep knocking out Russian ships…they’re getting closer and closer to Novoroyssiysk. And when they box it in, Russian ships won’t wanna transit to Azov Sea 🙂

    Give ‘em m hell, Ukraine!!

  10. TubeframeMR2 on

    What a complete and utter CF

    1. Deter NATO, nope NATO got bigger/stronger
    2. Prevent Ukraine from moving towards the west, nope Ukraine becoming EU member
    3. Secure Crimea for the fleet, nope move fleet to Russia
    4. Secure Ukrainian resources and grow European markets, nope lost Europe as a market

    Dude what were you thinking?

  11. Taiwan and the Philippines should invest in these drones. Could tip the balance in their favour in a potential showdown with China.

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