Mikroroboter zur Magenuntersuchung bei TED live auf der Bühne vorgeführt


    1. JigglymoobsMWO on

      **Submission statement:**

      With advances in electronics and micromechanics, it’s now apparently possible to have piloted microrobots navigate the body and send live video. This gets around some key problems with today’s endoscope based imaging and treatment techniques, including removal of the need for anesthesia, usability in an out patient setting, and one time use. All of these characteristics will make examination procedures far safer, cheaper and easier to conduct. How will the advent of this technology improve diagnosis and treatment of our bodies, and how much smaller and more capable can they get? Will we be able to use these micro submersible drones for treatment as well as diagnosis? Can they safely get into even smaller spaces in the body like blood vessels? It seems the potential is unbounded, but undoubtedly there will also be unanticipated challenges and risks ahead.

    2. tinyhorsesinmytea on

      Please please please do one for the butt. I’m fast approaching colonoscopy age and really don’t want to go through with it.

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