Ein ukrainischer Soldat tötet im Nahkampf in der Region Charkow zwei russische Kämpfer.

Von proof-or-ban


  1. PolarRacoon on

    They’re two feet away from one another throwing grenades that’s wild

  2. My dude shoots the Russian in the head as he steps over him. 1-2 step

  3. Dude stepped out at just the right time to through a grenade at them as well. 

    Also looks like the Russians were stunned(?) after their own grenade went of. They stilled huddled as the Ukrainian threw one on top of them. (Maybe already injured?) no way they didn’t see him do that?

    Really is all about luck with shrapnel .

  4. Prowler1111 on

    Making sure they are properly dead before advancing, avoiding some nasty surprises from the rear..that Ukrainian soldier have seen and experienced things..

  5. Analmall_Lover on

    We headed to the top with this one boys. 

    Talk about close quarters. 

  6. SlamMissile on

    The timing is crazy. The Ukrainian steps out to throw his grenades a few seconds before one detonates where he was just standing.

  7. TheOracle722 on

    What’s with the white armband on the Ukrainian soldier? Isn’t that normally a Russian marking?

  8. bulbishNYC on

    Year 2060. Grandpa pulls out vintage laptop. Look grandkids, remember that story I told you when I killed 2 Russians in a trench..

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