In Litauen findet der Erste Weltkongress des Antiimperialen Völkerblocks statt. Daran nimmt auch das Komitee der Baschkirischen Nationalbewegung im Ausland teil, das sich für die Unabhängigkeit Baschkortostans einsetzt.

Von BashkirTatar

1 Comment

  1. BashkirTatar on

    The First World Congress of the Anti-Imperial Bloc of Peoples is taking place in Lithuania. Congress participants are leaders of national liberation movements of enslaved peoples, leaders of Ukrainian and international public associations, representatives of world Ukrainians, journalists, experts, etc. During the Congress, a discussion will take place on the strategy for supporting the national liberation struggle of enslaved peoples, and the action program of the Anti-Imperial Bloc of Peoples for the near future will be approved. An important task of the Congress is to establish cooperation between representatives of the national liberation movements of enslaved peoples and leaders of Ukrainian communities abroad.

    The Committee of the Bashkir National Movement Abroad, advocating for the independence of r/Bashkortostan, also takes part in this forum in the person of the head of the committee, Ruslan Gabbasov, and member Aigul Lion.

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