Sinn Féin bestreitet trotz vorheriger Unterstützung eine Kehrtwende bei der Gesetzgebung zu Hassreden

Von Dependent_General_27


  1. Yeah it wasn’t a U-turn, it’s a strategic realignment based on the number of likes.

  2. taibliteemec on

    Good old Irish media.

    How can you call it a u turn when you tabled ammendments and they were denied. They voted against it in June 2023. I don’t think they know what a U-turn is.

    But yeah, lets continue blaming the opposition for the failures of the government.

  3. chiefmoneybags15 on

    Did they not say that they agreed with it in general, just that it was flawed and then all their amendments were shot down so they are voting against it now?

  4. the-spin-master on

    I hate the current government but Sinn Fein have been hardly inspiring either. They missed an open goal on the referendums by going along with the government and they also went along with this but only changing their tune after the referendums were overwhelmingly rejected.

    People thinking they are going to be much different to the current gov if they go into power are in for a big disappointment.

    We have no real opposition.

  5. Correct777 on

    I don’t support the hate speech legislation but am equally disappointed in Sinn Fein who seems to be becoming a party that stands for nothing the closer it gets to power even the things I disagree with them on.

    They were the only hope for change now not so sure they are nothing more than a dark green version of FF

  6. death_tech on

    Flippity floppity….

    What was that?

    Oh just a Sinn fein candidate at the door.

  7. saggynaggy123 on

    I’m not defending Sinn Fein now, it’s just very funny they’re getting a lot of bad press lately and it happens to be an election year lmao. They’re hardly the first party to U-Turn and won’t be the last.

  8. Aggravating-Rip-3267 on

    I am sure that the next step will be to bring in a ” ” Love Speech Bill ” ” where you will only be allowed to ~ Say How Much You Love The Government ! !

  9. NoBookkeeper6864 on

    How many articles are we gonna post on this? Like who actually gives a bollocks?

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