Geburtenrate in der Schweiz auf historischem Tiefstand

Von itstrdt


  1. Oh but let’s continue pushing this narrative that families aren’t important and you should only care about yourself🫠

  2. Due_Concert9869 on

    To rent an appartment, it must not cost more than a third of our revenue.

    To get a mortgage, the cost to reimbuse a hypothetical 5% interest rate must not cost more than a third of our revenue.

    Health insurance can cost more than a third of a family’s revenue.

    Daycare, if you can find it, can easily cost 50% of a family’s revenue, to the extent it makes financial sense for one of the parent to stop working the first 4-5 years, and make a dent in a parent’s career.

    You get nearly no financial help if you are middle classand double revenue.

    You get nearly no tax breaks if you are middle class with double revenue.

    It is assumed you will get help from grandparents, yet the older generations are either still working, or don’t want to help anymore!

    Switzerland is stuck in the 1960’s.

    I’m swiss, and ashamed.

  3. Switzerland has one of the worst parental support of Europe. They don’t make any effort to incentivate people to have children…

  4. My impression as a young (-ish) person: People in Switzerland – both men and women – don’t want to have kids or if they want to, they get maybe one child at max. Nowadays, most young people think about how to enjoy life and how to have as little responsibilities and commitment as possible. My cousin has a pretty broad circle of friends, both men and women, they are all closer to age 40 than 30 and only one person is married and nobody has a child. Their priorities seem to be their hobbies and going on expensive vacation, some want to increase their net worth through investments.

    All of these things aren’t bad per se but it is absolutely devastating for demographics and you know what happens when the birth rate falls? There is fewer people, which means there is fewer working age people, which means that in order to be able to pay out pensions, we have to get people from other countries to come here and work for the pensions – aka immigration.

    And no, don’t even begin to talk about how expensive housing is or how unaffordable childcare is. These things just make the demographic crisis much worse.

  5. Callisto778 on

    Kinder bekommen ist etwas für Reiche. Ich sage nicht, dass das gut ist. Aber so ist es nunmal. Dies zu ignorieren und dann gleich mehrere Kinder zu machen (eins ist ja nicht genug), ist egoistisch. Am Ende leidet das Kind.

    Downvotes in 3, 2, 1,…

  6. No-Nectarine-1405 on

    It’s mainly because people are narcisisstic and want to keep going on vacation 4 times a year, go out until 1 am and not have responsibilities. Our grandparents didn’t have all the consumerism and luxuries we have nowadays and yet still made 3 or 4 children. Can’t tell me it’s just about finances, it’s also about lifestyle.

  7. Diligent-Floor-156 on

    Well we want kids, but somehow can’t manage to get pregnant. IFV is around 10k, not covered by anything so it’s on us.

    We’re doing good financially so we’ll try anyway. Then we’ll be hit by 2.5-3k kindergarten fees per month I guess

  8. NiceCatYouGotThere on

    Costs too crazy, taxes constantly increasing, health insurance, no thank you

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