KI-„Apokalypse“ könnte in Großbritannien fast 8 Millionen Arbeitsplätze wegnehmen, heißt es in einem Bericht | Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)


  1. We had better stop thinking about this as a threat to be countered and as a reality we must live with, and work out how workless society is going to work. The UK population is about 67 million so we are talking about over a tenth of the job market disappearing even in the medium term.

    Let alone when the even more disruptive 3rd and 4th waves of disruption begin emerging. Its contained now to low pay and entry positions as everyone has been expecting but its not going to stay there.

    > Almost 8 million UK jobs could be lost to artificial intelligence in a “jobs apocalypse”, according to a report warning that women, younger workers and those on lower wages are at most risk from automation.

    > The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) said that entry level, part-time and administrative jobs were most exposed to being replaced by AI under a “worst-case scenario” for the rollout of new technologies in the next three to five years.

  2. kingofzdom on

    Hot take: if you can be easily replaced by AI, then your career is *obsolete* and that’s not a bad thing. This kind of fear-mongering would have kept us all in the fields for fear of the tractor taking all our jobs. The careers that society actually need to function are always evolving. Those people clinging to obsolete careers are drawing a salary; a salary that the rest of society has to pay in one way or another whether that’s through unnecessarily high consumer costs due to keeping completely unnecessary people employed or through higher taxes to support subsidies for dying industries.

  3. the-devil-dog on

    The stock market will be booming though, too bad people won’t have money to invest.

  4. FrozenToonies on

    AI can’t climb a ladder. It’s can’t do anything physical. It won’t pour a pint or serve dinner at a pub.
    If your job is to come up with ideas or fill out forms, you’re fucked.

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