Richter sendet starke Botschaft zu Elon Musks Angriffen auf Desinformationsexperten


  1. Frankly, its time to stop sending “strong messages”

    The DOJ/FBI/SEC need to take down Musk and send him to prison for his fraud, racism and lies.

  2. >attacked by conservatives like Musk and Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, who pushed the false claim that anti-disinformation efforts — by the government, by private organizations, or through some collaboration of the two — **amount to anti-conservative censorship**

    If that is true it must be because conservatives spread more disinformation. If they stopped that, their ‘problem’ would go away.

  3. So the ‘Free speech absolutist’ got smacked down in court for filing a lawsuit designed to stifle speech? Sounds like Musk alright.

  4. mugatucrazypills on

    A strong Message? Maybe Dumpy-hack Judge should learn to read the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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