Was zum Teufel ist mit diesem Ort passiert?

Von frankreddit5


  1. frankreddit5 on

    And to think I could share my thought here. No interest in being here anymore.

    Note that this was from a post I made about going through a divorce – there was nothing bad or wrong about it: no controversy. Just a post asking for guidance. Lots of replies that just randomly got removed. It had 90 upvotes then poof.

  2. frankreddit5 on

    And it gets downvoted ? lol. Should be a hotly discussed subject. Rigged.

  3. GhettoJamesBond on

    Because if you get too many down votes you can comment here. So sometimes it’s better to just delete it to stop the down votes.

    We also have a lot of trolls on reddit that send bots to down vote to hide things they don’t like.

  4. ainteasybeinsleazy on

    Lol this place has been compromised since 2016. Wake up sheeple etc etc

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