Horse Racing Ireland „schockiert und entsetzt“ über aufgedeckte Missstände in Irlands einzigem Pferdeschlachthof

Von Ambitious_Bill_7991


  1. Dry-Sympathy-3451 on

    Scummy industry

    Receives 70m a year from government

    Just rage emailed my 4 local TDs

  2. eatinischeatin on

    This should come as no surprise to anyone. Horses are considered commodities. Animal cruelty is deeply embedded in all aspects of horse racing, thoroughbreds that are deemed to slow or get injured are immediately disposed, of while national hunt racing and the barbaric practice of fox hunting go hand in hand. Unfortunately, ireland has a shameful record when it comes to animal welfare.

  3. sethasaurus666 on

    If you are shocked by this, then you should watch a movie called Dominion.

  4. Tom_Jack_Attack on

    Shocked and appalled that it’s been exposed. Not shocked at all that it’s happening.

  5. Callme-Sal on

    > Its analysis found that two-thirds of horses sent to the abattoir were thoroughbred racers.

    That’s a shocking statistic. 66% of the horses being slaughtered in our only licenced horse abattoir are thoroughbred horses.

    The horse racing industry has a lot of dark secrets

  6. MartyMcshroom on

    I have come to realise animal abuse was and is part of Irish culture. It’s a disgrace. We are a compassionate nation for sure but god we have a long way to go with animals.

  7. Evil_Choice on

    The fact that I have to register with these morons, to keep a couple of ponies for my kids to ride around the surrounding fields, is galling.

    Saying that; the “real” horsey set really give me strange vibes when I have to interact with them. EVERYONE is beneath them

  8. I_wont_sez_I on

    HRI turning a blind eye for years. Did they never wonder where all the retired and injured horses went. They never asked because they didn’t want to know.

  9. I was aware of this in my early teens, I’m in my thirties now.

    What blocks is this?

  10. What human food stuffs are slaughtered horses part of? I thought the previous scandal a few years ago was about horse meat entering the food chain yet here is a story that just casually mentions it as a standard thing.

  11. Willing-Departure115 on

    Wilful ignorance on behalf of horse racing Ireland and the department of agriculture. Thousands of horses simply vanish into thin air, and nobody notices it. They don’t notice it because they are being deliberately ignorant. 71% of the horses RTÉ observed were racing horses, some of whom had run their last race days before. The average age was 8, when a horse can last 25-30.

  12. Equivalent_Two_2163 on

    Shocked & appalled that PT revealed it. Get your house in order. Disgraceful

  13. am97395331 on

    Absolute corruption, cruelty, food safety all under the eyes of Dept inspectors.

    Would normally be unbelievable, but not of course in Ireland. The offenders are clearly identifiable and the next step will be a Garda investigation which will take 4/5 years while the corruption continues and of course no one can comment while the investigation is ongoing.

  14. dublindown21 on

    If I treated my dog like this I would be prosecuted surely there must be prosecutions from the cruel treatment recorded by Rte carried out by these workers on these poor animals.
    Also think it should be mandatory 10% of all price money should be set aside for the care not destruction of the horses post racing life.

  15. TheStoicNihilist on

    > “You can have instances where people mistreat and break that law, and certainly the incidents we seen last night speaks to that, and the full rigours of the law will be brought to bear in relation to the evidence that has been brought to us.”

    “instances”… downplaying it already. It was just a bad apple, sure.

  16. # Horse Racing Ireland ‘shocked and appalled’ at latest abuses exposed and will be ‘shocked and appalled’ at the next one, and the next one, and the next one….

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