Ein Freund von mir hat mir kürzlich erzählt, dass er immer das Weiße nimmt "Haut" von diesen Salamis und isst sie so. Das habe ich nie getan. Nun die wichtige Frage: Soll ich die "Haut" zuerst aus und wie isst man es?
Von Equal_Yam_3371
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They are ready to eat with the skin on.
The skin is edible.
Enjoy your meal.
skin is edible and tastes good! enjoy!
edit: there are salamis with plastic skin. worst case though is you try it, notice you can’t chew it and then skin the rest before eating it. no worries.
Together with the skin. It is a controlled rot of the outer layers by a mold that goes by the name of *Penicillium nalgiovense,* it dispenses flavour molecules
How tf do you even take the skin off those?
Unpopular opinion, but I like them without.
I peel the skin off and have the skin as a seperate snack, then the salami afterwards.