Frachtschiff aus Singapur überquert die Baltimore-Brücke bei ca. 130 Uhr heute Morgen. Totaler Zusammenbruch, Schließungen voraussichtlich bis Dezember 2025.

Von Triaxses


  1. Should add, that bridge took between 5 and 7 years to complete. So not sure what they mean by “Closures until 12/25 expected, but for sure that does not mean a new bridge there by December 2025.

  2. AdExternal7454 on

    Great timing for this to happen with all the Diddy stuff going on right now

  3. Vexus_Starquake on

    This is a pretty strange thing to happen right now, what with so much of the world kinda sorta escalating all over the place.

  4. What is with all the explosions on that pier to the right… I mean I get that a lot of power cables run across these things but that was a lot of fire for a collapse. My paranoid mind immediately went to thermite or cutting charges but could just be the cables arcing on things.

    I really hope they are able to rescue people. This is a tragedy. I pray for those poor souls who were on the bridge. Biden will probably visit Ukraine and give them 50bil in response. Its obvious America matters last to them

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