Wahlprognose – CDU stärkste, AfD auf Platz zwei (Bild: Tagesschau.de)


Von 0815-typ


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  2. agrammatic on

    No surprises for me, unfortunately. My pessimistic outlook was vindicated.

    Seems like it’s my country’s of origin results that would be exciting to watch tonight.

  3. CouchPotato_42 on

    Do people not read the wahlprogramm of the party they are going to vote for? Have we learned nothing?

  4. > Difficult times create strong people, strong people create peaceful times, peaceful times create weak people, weak people create difficult times.

    We are here: Weak people create difficult times

  5. DummeStudentin on

    FDP only 5% 🙁

    I know the current federal govt., which FDP is a part of, sucks, but that’s primarily the fault of SPD and Grün*innen…

  6. I feel disgusted that AfD is 2nd place, what a disgrace and shameful result for Germany and for democracy.

  7. Extension_Cup_3368 on

    I’m as an Ausländer actually satisfied. It could be much worse. Less than 20% is still decent and promising result. 0% would be even better, but this is what we have.

  8. McDuschvorhang on

    It would be bad enough if the AfD were just nazis. But they are foremost traitors.

  9. Wenn man alle Differenzen addiert kommt keine 0 raus. So fyi, andere (kleinere) Parteien haben auch mehr Stimmen bekommen

  10. OneEverHangs on

    Yall please god don’t make me want to move away, I was just getting settled in wtf. I wanted to leave the stupid behind in the US


    Looks like no good forecasts left for Germany. Four more years of CDU-led government is the *best case* scenario.

  12. LinceDorado on

    That’s what decades of a shitty education system get us I guess. I honestly hate to say it, but seeing this I feel like I am going to have to vote for the CDU/SPD/Grüne in the future. At least as long as the AfD remains strong. There has to be a possible coalition without the AfD, at all cost.

    I can’t not stress enough how bad it would for the AfD to come into some position of power. The literally don’t have a single thing they could improve in germany. We would go backwards during a time where we can’t afford it, at all.

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