[OC] Gemessene vs. gemeldete Größenverteilung bei Männern in den USA

Von Weary_Usual5552


  1. Charming_Scratch_538 on

    Shocking. My brother is 5’11” but he’ll die on the hill that he’s 6’0” lmao

  2. von_klauzewitz on

    so everyone who is between 5’8″ and 5’11” claims 6’0″. i mean, why not.

  3. The metric system is more precise here. You can report your height cm-wise, not 2.54cm-wise.

  4. snatch_hugger on

    I think it looked better with measured height being the continuous line and reported being the discrete intervals, to match the data being shown, but at least this is labelled correctly.

  5. Weary_Usual5552 on

    The chart highlights how US males often inflate their heights, especially those over 5’8”.

    **Key Insights:**

    • **Over 5’8”**: People tend to report their height an inch taller on average.
    • **Height Rounding**: Common for guys who are 5’9” to 5’11” to claim 6’0” or even 6’1”.
    • **Over 6’0”**: Still an inch of over-reporting on average.

  6. DrQuestDFA on

    I like to describe my height as 5’11”, 5’12” on a good day.

  7. I’m 5’ 11 and 3/4” so I say 6’. Feels like I’m cheating but I’m closer to 6’ than 5’11”

  8. I wish I was tall enough to lie about my height. Being 5’7 is has locked me into a vicious cycle of truthfulness.

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