„Russische Kriminelle“ hinter Cyberangriff auf Londoner Krankenhäuser


Von ClassicFlavour


  1. LostnFoundAgainAgain on

    This is the most shocking piece of news the world has seen, they will write songs and stories about the shock that has effected the great masses of the world, they will describe the great shock of Russia acting like an absolute cunt again.

  2. For every Russian cyber attack we should send Ukraine a stormshadow missile or challenger tank.

  3. Ironfields on

    Colour me shocked.

    The NHS and the companies it works with are for the most part woefully underprepared for these kind of attacks. It’s a problem across medicine generally in fact. Lots of legacy systems that can’t be upgraded because it’ll break vital equipment, lots of red tape, underpaying cybersecurity talent so they go elsewhere, lack of security awareness amongst staff, etc. Nothing will change until those things do.

  4. YoureCrazyy on

    We have the same problem in France + fake articles about French soldiers in Ukraine (there are no French soldiers in Ukraine, only volunteers to train Ukrainians). It’s the West that is targeted

  5. And what are we going to do about it? Nothing, even though attacks on critical infrastructure should be classed as terrorism and acted upon accordingly.

  6. faconsandwich on

    If the ruling class wasn’t so fucking compromised by Russian money , they’d do something about it.

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