His comrades are jealous that their deaths are going to be so much more boring.
Daianudinsibiu on
Aren’t they banned from the Olympics?
Brilliant-Gold8792 on
Fidget spinner?
Ordinary-Lobster-710 on
i can’t believe the physics engines of all those cheesy iphone games was right
pinstripe144 on
star jump record
MercyforthePoor on
Slava AZOV! Slava Ukraini!
AppropriateCompany9 on
Least steroid-riddled Russian.
Sqirrel-26901 on
Made no attempt to ‘tuck’ for improved roll performance..
and clearly lost control on the spring off..
… okay.. okay.. 2.5/10 for effort.
Tullzterrr on
4, the landing wasn’t great
Rumrunm on
He really stuck that landing
matt_jay_9 on
Just goes to show
sethmod on
NSFW tag?
Zealousideal_Dirt_43 on
Wasn’t him dead already?
wellrateduser on
Reminds me of the video from the beginning of the war where some tanks get blown up in a street and at one point a random soldier falls from the sky. And boy what have we seen since then.
Koensigg on
Fucking mark this as nsfw you absolute arsehole
quantumzadokviking on
..AND NOW THE FINAL RESULTS FOR SUMMERSAULT…. The Judges score is in,… FRA:2.44, GBR:2.23, CHINA:7.48, GRMY:4.44, RSA:4.44,CAN:2.33,RSSA:9.90,USA:-8.88,BLRS:9.10,UKRN-10.0….. Oh what a shame, it’s just not right, how could China, Russia,and Belarus EV think of a score above a 5? He clearly used foreign material to get the constant flipping motion!!
Points off for not sticking the landing.
His comrades are jealous that their deaths are going to be so much more boring.
Aren’t they banned from the Olympics?
Fidget spinner?
i can’t believe the physics engines of all those cheesy iphone games was right
star jump record
Slava AZOV! Slava Ukraini!
Least steroid-riddled Russian.
Made no attempt to ‘tuck’ for improved roll performance..
and clearly lost control on the spring off..
… okay.. okay.. 2.5/10 for effort.
4, the landing wasn’t great
He really stuck that landing
Just goes to show
NSFW tag?
Wasn’t him dead already?
Reminds me of the video from the beginning of the war where some tanks get blown up in a street and at one point a random soldier falls from the sky. And boy what have we seen since then.
Fucking mark this as nsfw you absolute arsehole
..AND NOW THE FINAL RESULTS FOR SUMMERSAULT…. The Judges score is in,… FRA:2.44, GBR:2.23, CHINA:7.48, GRMY:4.44, RSA:4.44,CAN:2.33,RSSA:9.90,USA:-8.88,BLRS:9.10,UKRN-10.0….. Oh what a shame, it’s just not right, how could China, Russia,and Belarus EV think of a score above a 5? He clearly used foreign material to get the constant flipping motion!!