Matthew Vaughn reflektiert über Argylles „gehässige“ Kritiken: „Ich fand den Film nicht anstößig“


  1. 1. Hype up a movie with a “MYSTERY AUTHOR, YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHO IT IS”
    2. Spend months hinting that it’s JK Rowling, then Taylor Swift through social media posts
    3. Keep driving the Taylor Swift gimmick until the movie comes out
    4. Release a “turn your mind off, fun” movie and the “surprise” is that it’s an in-universe character and the IRL book author is just a couple workmanlike and largely anonymous authors working together
    5. ????
    6. Get a negative reaction from critics, whose existence is terminally online and were invested in the gimmick you were playing

  2. People are weird and have way too much time to shit on things they ultimately don’t really care about. The movie was lighthearted like he said. It didn’t take itself seriously and it was and had a unique enough twist. 6.5/10

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