[OC] Frühlingstemperaturen in Großbritannien

Von cavedave


  1. Made with Hadcet central england dataset


    Code Python. Code of the Colab notebook used to make it is here [https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1r6JMkCxeeiVn9fM-3tEs2Z1X_1mkfQO_#scrollTo=2GupqdrgWbBt](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1r6JMkCxeeiVn9fM-3tEs2Z1X_1mkfQO_#scrollTo=2GupqdrgWbBt)


    Year Spring_Avg

    2024 10.6

    2017 10.3

    2011 10.3

    1893 10.2

    2007 10.16


    Year Spring_Avg

    1837 5.6

    1770 6.0

    1695 6.0

    1782 6.1

    1701 6.1

    One location does not tell you much about Climate change. But it doesn’t tell you nothing.

  2. KrustyKrabPizzaMan on

    If the Industrial Revolution started in the 18th and 19th century with all of the pollution that came from that, why that didn’t impact the climate compared to whatever started being emitted in the late 20th century? Did rules and regulations fall in the 70’s and 80’s causing gas and oil companies to go nuts emitting greenhouse gases?

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